bostoncolumnFor your Friday architectural fix, here are some highlights from a recent trip I took to Boston. One of my favorite neighborhoods is Beacon Hill. It is an old-fashioned, old-school neighborhood where houses are made of red brick, all bunched together on long narrow streets.  The gated parks and entryways indicate the exclusivity of its residents.

The rusty wrought iron gates and unique doors and paths in each house indicate these buildings have been around a long time, and generations of families have resided here. There are usually no people around, making it the perfect environment to soak in your surroundings.

This is not a place where you are allowed to wander through every nook and cranny, but your curiosity gets the best of you. Beacon Hill seems to be in its own bubble; once you leave, the hustle and bustle of the city take over and the elusive quiet fades away.

Hope this gives you inspiration enough to find the neighborhood that speaks to you.

By Lindsay Sacco
Marketing Coordinator